Just finished my alarm clock project! 3D printed raspberry pi Spotify/webstream Music Box http://ift.tt/2ju5TVX http://ift.tt/2BlW43N
3D Printed Magnetic Door Stop for Cabinet Door (x-post from /r/functionalprint) http://ift.tt/2jxQ54J http://ift.tt/2zEps4Z
Prusa MK3 STLs are out! For anyone who wants the new fan shroud, or just wants to look at the new STLs, they have been published on the github. PrusaFirmware does appear to be updated yet 🙁 Build guide is also linked from this page. http://ift.tt/2AKWyUL
a friend was looking at my prints and gave me a challenge. He gave me 24 hours to deliver a perfectly detailed and scaled tabletop miniature figure. I don’t play warhammer or any of that stuff, but like Dominos.. I deliver. Hero Forges on his flanks are a bonus http://ift.tt/2jyDHkJ http://ift.tt/2i3QqeR
I think I’ve found the best system for getting those really hard-to-remove prints off the print bed. http://ift.tt/2kcGgNi http://ift.tt/2Bz1fyb